Thursday, February 13, 2014

Emergency Preparedness by Barbara Salsbury

I have had this BYU radio broadcast for about a year now and have listened to it several times.  LOVE this talk given by Barbara Salsbury.  She talks about the difference between Provident Living Preparedness and Disaster Preparedness.  She also talks about using your space to store food and how you are going to get your food storage on a budget or when you think you can't do it.  Copy this onto your hard drive, gather the family around on a Monday night and use it as a family home evening lesson.  I have listened to this four times now and will probably listen to it several more times.

Barbara Salsbury on Emergency Preparedness

We hope that after listening to her talk, you will be prompted by the Spirit to get going on your food storage, how and where to store it and how you are going to be able to afford it when you think you can't.  Heavenly Father does not give us a commandment with out making a way to accomplish it.  Have fun with your family doing this.  Make it a family affair.  You will be blessed beyond your imagination.

Have fun with your food storage.
Bob and LouAnn Singer

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